Biodiversity & Crop Improvement Program

Hyperspectral, Ultraspatial and Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing in Crop Breeding Programs

Ground-Truth Data Collection

Climatic Dataset

Fig. 3. Wild wheat accession sites overlaid onto a salinity layer

In association with the Genetic Resources Unit (GRU) of BIGM, the GISU has established for CWANA a comprehensive spatial database at 1-km resolution containing 239 layers related to climate themes and 19 layers related to soil themes.

The database has been used by GRU to characterize the site-specific environments for its germplasm collection. Fig.3.shows an example in which accessions from part of Central Asia are highlighted for potential salinity tolerance by overlaying the site coordinates with the map of salinity probabilities.

Since December 2007 the spatial database has been expanded to the whole of Europe and continental Asia.